Languages in Gilgit Baltistan
Language Spoken
There are several language spoken among Gilgit peoples . There Are six mager language Spoken at Gilgit Baltistan they are Shina , Burushaski ,balti ,wakhi ,khuwar and domaki. The national language Urdu and English is also frequently spoken here.
Shina Language
Shina is the largest language spoken in all districts of Gilgit Baltistan, including all it’s variations. Shina is also spoken in some parts of Kargil and occupied Kashmir, India. The people speaking Shina as mother tongue are known as Sheens/Shinaki.
Burushaski Language
Wakhi Language
Wakhi is spoken in Gojal hunza, Ashkoman ghizar , Burughil Chitral , Wakhan Cooridoor Afghanistan and Tajikistan , Kashkarghan China and turkey. The spoker of the wakhi language is about 48000 to 72000 population world wide. The speaker of the wakhi language is known as Xikwor ,xik , gojali and wakhani .
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